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Living and working in Devon, Richard Godfrey’s intensely-coloured slips on cleverly constructed forms draw much of their inspiration from the coastline where he was based.

Brought up in Harrow, he eventually moved to Plymouth where he began to paint in earnest. At the age of sixteen his family moved to Gibraltar where he painted daily.

The light and colours of the Mediterranean affected him deeply, and would eventually find its outlet in his ceramics, after study at Bristol.

His functional pieces are psychedelic in colour and often futuristic in form, but in fact they derive much from the natural forms he may find on his local beach – shells, discarded plastic bottles, driftwood, as well as other structures in nature.

Like Bridget Riley in painting, Godfrey saw the luminosity, the vividness of the world around him, and sought to express this in clay.


(With thanks to David Whiting @

About Richard Godfrey: About
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